Monday 10 March 2014

Crafty Swap: What Elizabeth Said

Hello everyone,
Really pleased to announce that today here at With Bells On we are conducting our first ever blogswap with the lovely Lizzy over at What Elizabeth SaidWe both met at University whilst she was doing her PhD - yes that right its Dr Liz - and I was an Undergraduate. She had already started blogging at this point and she has been so encouraging in getting me to start this one that I just couldn't say no when she ask if I fancied doing a blogswap. I hope you all enjoy it. Without further ado over to Liz!

"My name is Lizzy, and I write about my crafty projects and love of shoes over at What Elisabeth Said. Today Emily and I are sharing our essential kit for sewing and crafting, and I had to think long and hard about this. Because my list of essentials is long. Seriously long. I dabble in a few different crafts, leading to an extensive stash of tools, but dressmaking is my first and main love. Every time I start a new project I find some other gadget that makes the job easier, or better, and I can't imagine working without it. But if I had to start from scratch, this is what I would need.

1) Cute pin cushion. This is a must right? Roderick, the Liberty print mouse, is my loyal sewing companion. He likes to sit on top of the sewing machine and criticize the state of my seams.

2) Embroidery scissors and rotary cutter. My mum gave me these little gold scissors to start off my first sewing kit, and they fit perfectly into my theory that a sewing kit should be beautiful as well as functional. Plus they are perfect for snipping those pesky loose threads. As a woman with around ten different pairs of scissors for fabric, yarn, paper, thread and even ribbons, I could really do a whole separate list of my favourite cutting tools. But there is a special place in my heart for my rotary blade. So sharp, such clean edges, and really great for cutting out pattern pieces without moving the fabric around too much.

3) Tracing wheel. This one is a cheat, as I have never actually used a tracing wheel for my patterns before. But I want to learn! All I need is some dressmakers carbon paper. This particular tool came from my Granny, and I have also seen double tracing wheels that can mark out your seam allowances too. Enough to set my sewing senses tingling! A new gadget? I must have it!

4) Kilner jar pin cushion/button storage. I'll be honest, I made this pin cushion/jar thing more for its decorative-ness than practicality. Because it looks so lovely filled up with pearly buttons and with a handful of colourful pins poking out of the top. But clear glass jars are definitely my preferred storage for buttons and other notions, and the prettier the better!

5) Stitch unpicker. Or ripper, if your technique is anything like mine. Unquestionably the most hard-working tool in the arsenal. Unwanted decoration on a dress? Let me fix that for you. Want to remove the sleeves from something? No problemo. Made a bit of a sewing machine boo boo? Sorted. Scrap the rest of the list, this is my stitchy must have.

What makes your list of essential crafting tools?"

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